8. February 2019

Presentation and protocol – In a customer discussion

In this chapter you will learn how to conduct a presentation in a customer meeting. To do this, you will learn the functions of the presentation […]
8. February 2019

Create protocol

Whenever you end a presentation, you are asked if you want to create a protocol entry or not. Protocol entries document your presentation to the customer, […]
8. February 2019

Functions in Presentation Mode

  After tapping, you enter the presentation mode. You can either scroll through the individual presentation slides by swiping to the right or left or execute […]
1. February 2019

Presentation Overview

Once the editing of the presentation has been completed, you can now Use the preview icon to view the presentation. Use the back arrow to return […]
1. February 2019

Create new presentation

By tapping the plus symbol at the bottom right, you create your first presentation.   You can now give the presentation a name and optionally assign […]