Ideal dimensions of images

Ideal dimensions of images

In this table we have listed the optimum image dimensions for working with SaleSphere. The dimensions are intended as guidelines to ensure that your images have a small file size and still a good display quality:

Mobile App Configuration

company logo

640 x 300 px

homescreen background

2048 x 1536 px

App Icon (only iOS version 11)


1024 x 1024 px


CMS > Catalogues



600 x 480 px

Catalogue background


2048 x 1536 px


CMS > Category and Product Templates



600 x 480 px

Grid view (category)

Gallery: 2048 x 780 px

List view (category)

Gallery: 1420 x 560 px

Small image with text (product)

Gallery: 720 x 576 px

Gallery (Product)

gallery right/left: 1024 x 1408 px Gallery top: 2048 x 816 px

Gallery with tab (product)

2048 x 816 px